Why Love the CVNP/Metroparks?

#ftb, bridal veil falls, clevelandmetroparks, cuyahoga valley national park, cvnp, explore, findthebeautiful, get outside, gratitude, hike, Ohio -

Why Love the CVNP/Metroparks?

The Cuyahoga Valley National Park & the Cleveland Metroparks have become a refuge for inspiration, soul refreshment and recreation. Throughout the year and throughout our changing seasons here in Ohio there is always, always, always a good time to go, My family is not fair weather park goers. We go rain, snow or shine.

There is an immense 50,000 plus-acres combined to explore and although we try to go as much as possible sometimes daily, we have yet to come anywhere near covering and exploring that much land. From hiking, biking, fishing, painting and just exploring, no matter how many times we visit the parks there is always something new, It is Gorgeous, Ohio land.

Some of our favorite sites are Brandywine Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Brecksville Reservation. I'm excited to get outside this summer and paint some of my favorite places on site!

 Brandywine Falls

Brandywine Falls

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike." Muir

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