The Healing Power of Art & Nature RSS

Air “To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.” -Jill Bolte Taylor The Element of Air:  The element of air is associated with life, transformation and change. We will be drawing upon these qualities to release your negative feelings in a healthy, cathartic, and artistic experience. Painting out your emotions and elevating them into a positive frame.   Cathartic Art - Find the Beautiful in You - Doors Opening Soon. You can either enroll in one...

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cathartic, fire -

Fire Fire relaxes us and helps us to connect. It is good to see studies that show what so many of us already, inherently know. In research carried out by the University of Alabama  "226 adults across three studies with respect to viewing simulated muted-fire, fire-with-sound, and control conditions"  "Results indicated consistent blood pressure decreases in the fire-with-sound condition, particularly with a longer duration of stimulus, and enhancing effects of absorption and prosociality. Findings confirm that hearth and campfires induce relaxation as part of a multisensory, absorptive, and social experience." This study shows that when you can't get outside,  just viewing...

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art, cathartic, cathartic art, online class -

Through the element of Earth we can draw strength and stability with our emotions.


find the beautiful in you online class

Online class coming soon. Find the beautiful in working with the 5 Elements.

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cathartic, Meditation -

Using the element of water we can allow our negative emotions to be washed away, allowing our minds and hearts to be refreshed.

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“Light up the fire of love inside and blaze the thoughts away.”


Element of Fire - Cathartic Art Course Coming Soon

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